Know the Characteristics of Breast Cancer Stadium 1 before too late

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one type of cancer that is quite scary for a woman other than cervical cancer. Cancer cells will grow and attack your breast tissue, such as milk outlet, lobules, along with other supporting tissues such as fat tissue. Lifestyle, hormonal, and environmental factors are suspected as the cause of this cancer. However, not everyone with a similar lifestyle also has a risk for breast cancer. So it still needs further research.

Even so, there are several risk factors that allow you to develop breast cancer. For example, if you are 50 years or older, if you have a close family or even a mother with ovarian cancer or breast cancer, there has been a benign lump in the breast or have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Supposedly, breast cancer is not a hereditary disease. However, there are certain genes, called BRCA1 and BRCA2, which increase a person's risk of developing breast cancer. This gene is thought to be passed down to the next generation.

Breast cancer stage 1 is an early stage breast cancer. This is a condition in which breast cancer lumps are 2 cm in size or smaller. These lumps still have not spread to the lymph nodes in the armpits.

Breast Cancer Characteristics You Need to Know
  • The appearance of a lump in the breast. The lump in the breast is one of the early signs of breast cancer. And this lump does not always hurt. Even so, not all lumps that appear are breast cancer lumps. This lump can be palpable when you perform a personal examination at home. Usually palpable when you are menstruating.
  • The color of your breast skin changes. This color change is sometimes mistaken for infection. In fact, if you are not sure of the lumps that appear in the breast, skin discoloration may make you more alert. At this stage, the skin of the breast will become red, as irritation, skin texture feels like orange peel, skin surface area of the breast that is affected by cancer looks grooved, and skin thickening occurs. However, in certain types of breast cancer is quite rare, color changes do not occur.
  • Nipple hurt. The characteristics of another stage 1 breast cancer are with the appearance of changes in the nipple with pain. In addition, it is characterized by abnormal discharge from the nipple.
  • A lump appeared on the armpits. Although called breast cancer, does not mean a lump under the armpit that you meet has nothing to do with this cancer. The breast tissue extends under the armpits. That's why cancer can spread to the lymph nodes under the armpits.
Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is not less deadly with cervical cancer. Although the cause of this cancer still requires further research, it never hurts to be more vigilant against this disease. You are still advised to maintain your diet and lead a healthy life. Be diligent to conduct a personal examination. And if you feel potentially cancerous because your mother or relative has cancer, and you feel very worried, try to consult this to the doctor.

6 Symptoms that Should be Known Before a Heart Attack Come

Heart attacks are usually not accompanied by the classic signs that you see in most movies, such as tightly gripping his chest and collapsed dramatically. In fact, 25 percent of heart attacks occur in secret, with no overt symptoms. These silent heart attack can sometimes turn out to be fatal when no one knows and does not quickly receive medical treatment.

There are several symptoms of a heart attack you need to know, so you do not have to wait for a heart attack occurs. There are at least as an early sign of symptoms that could be considered.

1. Swelling
Heart failure can accommodate the increasing fluid in the body, causing swelling of the feet or ankles. Sometimes, people may be allowed so much liquid that it can actually lead to weight gain.

2. Restless
Many victims have stated that they have a feeling of 'doom is coming' or anxiety before a heart attack occurs. Therefore, it is better to be careful if you begin to feel this kind of anxiety. It is one of the main symptoms of a heart attack you need to be awake.

3. The pain spread
Usually, people who will get a heart attack will feel the pain that spreads to other body parts. At first, the pain was in the chest, then spreads to the shoulders, arms, elbows, neck, jaw, back, and abdomen. If you have this, immediately to receive medical treatment.

4. Cough
People who get a heart attack may experience coughing up phlegm with blood. In addition, cough also constantly occurs with little shortness of breath. This is a symptom of heart failure. It is also the result of a buildup of fluid in the lungs. So, this is a warning that you should not take for granted.

5. Uncomfortable
There is some feeling uncomfortable. Similar to the restless uncertainty, but this is more to the feelings concerning the physical. No complaints such as chest less comfortable, shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, and dizziness. Remember, this is a symptom that you should take note. If lasted almost simultaneously with the anticipation of immediate medical examination.

6. Stern warning
This is the final stage, which you should never ignore these symptoms. If you feel a heart attack that was heavy on the chest and lasts more than 5 or 10 minutes, then immediately contact the emergency number or ask someone to drive to the hospital as soon as possible to get immediate medical attention.

Oral Sex is Good for Women Health?

Oral sex

Oral sex was good for women's health and can make women feel happier. This was revealed in a study which studied the effects of semen can improve mood.

Scientists from the State University of New York has been conducting a survey through practical experiments comparing the 293 women's sex life. This research follows previous research that found that semen contains chemicals that can lift the mood, induces sleep, can even improve affection. In addition, semen also contains at least three anti-depressants.

In the semen contained other chemicals along with spermatozoa, and cortisol, all of which are known to be useful to increase affection, estrone, and can elevate mood following oxytocin, which also can lift the mood. Besides the semen also contains thyrotropin-releasing hormone, melatonin (an agent that can induce sleep), and serotonin (the neurotransmitter known as antidepressants).

In this research also revealed that women who have sex without using a condom is much happier than the participants who use condoms. Research published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior states that semen out of the blood vessel it is possible to make the mood of women happier. The condition of heart and mind were pleased and happy is what helps improve the body's health.

Researchers concluded that women who engage in oral sex happier. Moreover, most likely it is caused by chemicals in the semen that had entered his veins.

10 Healthy food for men

Healty food

Healthy is indeed very important, without it we would never be able to perform various activities or routines of a life. Everybody wants to stay healthy and how to keep healthy stay for us is to keep the body from things that can make them sick or healthy loss itself. The most simple way but has an important role in maintaining health is to adjust our diet every day.

Almost everyone believes that healthy food that has a very important role in making our bodies stay healthy throughout the day. And we should know, that the difference in the condition of the body and hormones between men and women turned out to be a direct effect on food intake.

Here are 10 healthy foods that are suggested to be consumed by men.
  1. Tropical fruits. Tropical fruits such as mango and papaya are one of the healthy foods that have lots of bioflavonoids that very well for men's health.
  2. Peppers. Peppers contain more vitamin C than citrus fruit. The researchers say that eating raw peppers is one effective way of giving bioflavonoids intake into the body.
  3. Garlic. Garlic is rich in antioxidant properties, it is very helpful in maintaining the health of the circulatory system in the body.
  4. Green tea or black tea. Besides having antioxidant content, it turns out tea also contains polyphenols which can prevent the growth of cancer cells.
  5. Milk and dairy products. Carnitine is an amino acid found in milk. The acid serves to convert fat into energy reserves. In addition, carnitine can also improve circulation to the various organs of the body so as to prevent muscle pain.
  6. Red meat. Besides red meat contains a lot of carnitine, also contains amino acids, a source of complete protein, and essential minerals such as iron. However, you also need to be careful in selecting beef. Try to choose lean meat, it aims to limit the intake of saturated fat in your body.
  7. Red wine. Same with green tea, red wine also contains polyphenols which can protect the body from various types of cancer. Polyphenols are also capable of neutralizing free radicals causing compounds.
  8. Tomato. We know that tomatoes contain lycopene in high enough quantities. Lycopene is also known as powerful antioxidant substances that can lower the risk of prostate cancer, lung, and stomach cancers.
  9. Peanuts. Peanuts are one source of zinc and essential fatty acids are also very good. These nutrients can prevent dry skin and also damage brain cells.
  10. Pomegranate. This is one of the fruits that are highly recommended also for consumption. The reason, a study has shown that those who eat healthy foods as this one, can lower the risk of developing prostate cancer by about 35%.

First Aid when the Child Fever

when the Child Fever

Some parents are often confused when they discover their child had an increase in body temperature. Anxiety experienced by parents sometimes cause some excessive actions in the treatment of fever. Though fever is a mechanism that occurs in the body in overcoming the infection.

You do not need to worry when a child has a fever, you first need to know the cause of fever in children. Excessive handling of the child's fever, for example immediately given antibiotics and immediately do blood checks instead often harm children compared with eliminating fever in children.

Fever is not harmful as long as it does not cause dehydration, decreased consciousness or seizures. Fever can be a sign of the body's defense, which occurs due to a foreign object in the body system, such as your child's fever after immunization is given. It is a condition that does not require medical treatment. In addition, fever can also be caused due to a virus that enters the body. One of the symptoms that appear are lethargic and do not have a passion for playing. Viral infections characterized by coughing, runny nose or diarrhea without blood. Characteristic of fever infection caused by the virus are high fever on days 1-2 days. Usually, on days 4-5 rising but not as high as on the first day, generally at 6-7 days to be recovered in accordance with the previous conditions, resulting in handling infected fever viruses do not require antibiotics or blood checks.

Here are some first aid measures while our children are fever:

  1. Compress with warm water - If the cause of the fever is a viral infection, you can provide first aid by way of compress use warm water, remember! with WARM WATER (not cold water especially ice water). Warm water can be directly in the center of the body so that it will lower the temperature automatically. You can also use plaster compress often easily found in the market.
  2. Always check the temperature of the body - You can control the child's body temperature using a thermometer, the temperature is normal in children ranges between 36-37 degrees Celsius, so that if your child has a higher body temperature of 37 degrees, the light therapy can be given in advance, for example, with many drink plenty of water so that your child is not enough fluid. Always control your child's body heat not to cross the threshold of the child's endurance is about 39 degrees Celsius, although each child thresholds vary durability. Because if it gets past the threshold of endurance child can cause the child to seizures.
  3. Give Febrifuge - We can provide special children's fever medications according to age, one is to give paracetamol. Febrifuge paracetamol is considered to have low side effects on the body of the child. Even so, we recommend you read the instructions for use and the advice of a doctor so as not to run the risk of impaired liver function when given at a dose that is not right.
  4. Doctors Handling - If the child/baby fever at the age of 3 months, body temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees Celsius should immediately consult a pediatrician. In addition, if the child's fever with the conditions of his urine thick and legs often driven, one possible cause could be due to a urinary tract infection or a fever that does not go down and down for 3 days accompanied by bleeding or red spots should immediately take your child to the doctor to perform medical check up.

Know 8 Intelligence in Children Early

Know Intelligence in Children early

Intelligence (intelligence quotient, abbreviated IQ) is a general term used to describe the nature of the mind which includes a number of capabilities, such as the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas, using language and learning. Intelligence is closely related to cognitive abilities possessed by individuals. Intelligence can be measured using psychometric tools are commonly referred to as IQ tests. There are also suggestions that IQ is a mental age of human beings based on the comparison of chronological age.

There are several ways to define intelligence. In some cases, intelligence may include creativity, personality, character, knowledge, or wisdom. However, some psychologists do not include these things in terms of the definition of intelligence. Intelligence generally refers to the ability or mental capacity to think, but there has been no satisfactory definition of intelligence Stenberg & Slater (1982) defines it as any action or thought which aims and adaptive.

According to the expert of multiple bits of intelligence, Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., there are at least eight types of intelligence in children. Research from Harvard University shows there are called multiple bits of intelligence. There are eight types of intelligence.

8 Kinds of Intelligence Children:
  1. Word Smart. Intelligence is characterized by the tendency of children like reading, writing, speaking, and listening. If found signs like this, the parents can stimulate this intelligence with activities such as storytelling, reading together, or dialogue with children.
  2. Self-Smart. When children who like to play yourself, know what you want to be when you grow up, have a strong sense of confidence. Their ingenuity will shine when often talk about their feelings and opinions about a variety of things. Or invited to perform activities that are reflective like yoga.
  3. Body Smart. For children who love to make things with their hands, touch and observe objects in the vicinity, maybe he has a kind of cleverness smart body. Parents can stimulate their game of the block or physical activities such as sports and dancing.
  4. Nature Smart. When children usually love being in nature, like the animals, can classify the plant, and care for the natural environment. Inviting children walks in the wild can parents do to help stimulate this type of intelligence.
  5. Number Smart. In addition, there are also children who are interested in numbers, math, science, and matters related to logic. If so, then the child has a number of smart types of intelligence. Activities parents can do to stimulate this kind of intelligence of which invite children to play monopoly, visiting museums and etc.
  6. Picture Smart. Which is marked with the child's interest in drawing, like imagination, and play to build something.
  7. Music Smart. Which is characterized by the tendency of children love to sing, shake the body to the rhythm, and listen to music. For these parents can encourage children to sing or play music together to stimulate the ingenuity of this music field.
  8. People Smart. When children usually love to play with her friends, have empathy, like lead and could understand the feelings of others. Not a child may not have more than one type of this cleverness. If so, then the parents need to pay attention to which of all kinds of ingenuity that children like and are interested in depth. All children have the roots in these eight types of intelligence. Over time, some do stand out beforehand. We can only observe and develop where the kids interested.

3 Reasons Sex During Pregnancy More Exciting

If you think would be very uncomfortable having sex while you are pregnant, think again. Precisely pregnancy able to make sex more passionate, provided you know how the mechanism.

Pregnancy is a wonderful thing. The existence of the baby growing in your stomach will make changes in the body. You will feel more sexy and passionate.

Actually, not only the body shape changes, the performance of hormones in the body changes. This is what makes hair thicker, smoother skin, up to the size of enlarged breasts. Many things make you feel more beautiful and sexy while pregnant. In effect, the sexual activity even more exciting.

The following are three reasons Sex During Pregnancy More Exciting:
  1. Sensitivity, most women are surprised when discovering the fact that sex during pregnancy is more likely to reach orgasm. It is caused by increased blood circulation in the area miss v (vagina). Many women who recognize, during pregnancy feel more excited, enjoy sex more and more frequent orgasms. In fact, there are some women who had an orgasm the first time during pregnancy. Sensitivity during pregnancy is to make women more passionate.
  2. Body curves, multiply body weight is as bad to look at. But, for some couples, the curve when pregnant women can cause pleasure. Believe me, pregnancy can make you look sexier.
  3. Creativity, changes in body shape will automatically change your routine, including during intercourse. Take the plus side, this is the time you try new things with your partner. Various styles of new sex untried will make your sexual relationship becomes more sensual and fun.

How now, already know it's not? a drastic change in sexual intercourse when she was pregnant. Even so, be sure to consult with your doctor to ensure that the position and force you away from the risks related harmful to the baby.

Turn off your TV before go to bed

There are a few people who sleep in a state television still on, or accidentally while listening to music. Did you know that the habit is not very good? In terms of health and in terms of mind, sleep habits in a state television was still on, it should be discontinued from now.
During sleep, the brain needs to process to lower its waves. The journey from a conscious state to sleep, requiring stages. At every stage in the depth of sleep, the mind still continues to work. Sleep state was at a depth of 40, while the conscious mind is in level 0 (zero). So eyes drifted shut and physically relax the body, the mind began to relax. The wave continues down into the depths of the zero level down to the most basic ie bed, a depth of 40.

When you begin to sleep, inadvertently everyone surely had crossed some levels. One level of depth of the subconscious mind towards sleep is called somnambulism profound level, this is the depth of the subconscious mind at level 30 before the end really sleep. This is the thing I want to say, at this depth any of the information entered into the subconscious mind will accept and understood without any rejection at all. Whatever the incoming sound will be recorded clearly by our subconscious mind.

How long were in the depths of this level? Every person is different, there are only a few seconds there is also a few minutes until the end really sleep. However, the depth of this profound somnambulism which sometimes makes a person having a dream that is considered truly real turns. Or in the depths of this, what we hear is believed to actually happen, but we're in a sleeping position.

When the mind begins to fall at depths up to the bed, do not let your ears hear the negative things that may come out of the television. Crime news, negative movie dialogue, it would go into the subconscious mind easily. Likewise, when listening to songs with negative lyrics, such as music about heartbreak, obviously will be recorded subconscious mind.

Studies on this subject also delivered two scientists namely Thomas Andrillon and Sid Kouider. Through the journal Current Biology, published, stated that the brain remains active during sleep. No part of the brain continues to process information and make decisions effectively when the subconscious. The monitor performance of the brain shows the human brain can still stimulate the words heard during sleep. Although it is not remembered when it was already aware. However, the information is already entered and recorded in the subconscious mind.

Television sound and music can make poor-quality sleep. Why? Because sound waves or light emitted remains acceptable senses of hearing and vision. As a result, the brain re-stimulated to work and process the incoming information. The body that should be relaxing, must continue to work because the brain continues to process incoming information. Do not be surprised if anyone was sleeping for a long time, but still feel tired. Compare if sleep quality. Although only asleep 10 minutes, it was like waking up in the morning.

In addition, researchers at the University of Rochester also found that lack of sleep makes the brain does not have enough time for cleaning. It has the potential to make a person affected by neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

So before going to sleep better turn off your TV. Sleep is more qualified and then let your body wake up in a state of perfect health and completely fresh.